In this ninth adventure, a group of young people living in a distant world will find themselves confronted with the most terrifying life form in the universe.
On August 14, 2024, no one will hear you scream in the cinema! One of the most terrifying creatures of the 7th art will return to theaters in Alien Romulus, the 9th film in the monstrous franchise.
At the moment, the plot of the film is still unclear. We just know that we will follow a group of young people living in a distant world; the latter will find themselves confronted with the most terrifying life form in the universe: the Xenomorph.
Interviewed by Variety, actress Cailee Spaeny provided a big clue about the story of the film. The actress, who plays one of the main roles in Alien Romulus, revealed the place of the work in the chronology of the saga.