The life and musical work of Elvis Presley through the prism of his complex relationship with his mysterious manager, Colonel Tom Parker. The film will explore their relationship over two decades, from the singer’s rise to unparalleled stardom, against a backdrop of cultural upheaval and America’s discovery of the end of innocence.
A biopic film that will mark me forever as one of the best and magnificent tributes paid today to King ELVIS, of whom I am a fan. Even if we will never be able to relive this incredible reality of this man who crossed and marked his time, everything this film tells us is very faithful to the tragic reality and this reconstruction is really a feat. An exploit in the direction, the metamorphosis of the two actors Austin Robert and Tom Hanks, an exploit also to have been able to restore the light to ELVIS as a long flamboyant clip close to the world star that he has become. A feat also in captivating us as a diabolical thriller through the narration of the character of Colonel Parker. A perfect film to find and re-listen to this living legend (who we won’t be seeing again any time soon) and for the youngest and curious to discover him and in turn also become a true fan. A trick that could bring him some well-deserved Oscars.