Strange World

The Clades, a family of legendary explorers, discover an unexplored world, full of dangers and populated by fantastic creatures. They are aided in their quest by a mischievous blob and their three-legged dog. Alas, the quarrels between its various members threaten to derail this new mission, which is – by far – the most crucial.
This new Disney feature film canned by the dads of Big Hero 6 and Raya is obviously technically impeccable, and approaches via its uchronic-fantastico-SF universe the pulp adventure genre.
In short, there is everything to please me, especially since the firm has not tackled it since the super Atlantis 20 years ago.

The concern is that despite its whimsical underworld (a bit No Man’s Sky at heart), the plot doesn’t do much except during the climax (which offers a nice revelation in addition to a relevant ecological discourse). It basically lacks an adventurous spirit, surprises and danger.
Of course, there is the discovery of the unknown initially and a certain adverse force, before sweeping this away globally by exploring the Clade family (which for once are all rather endearing and well characterized) and inter- generational.
Of course the hinge of the story is nothing new (“become the person you want to be”) but it works, much more than the desired pulp aspect which is much too light in the end (just like the little antagonism against)

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