Alex Dall, a lonely young girl devoured by a need to succeed, decides to join the rowing club at her university...
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In an isolated house, sheltered from the rumblings of a Europe haunted by war, Albert takes care of Mia, a little girl with icy teeth, under house arrest. Periodically, the phone rings and the Master inquires about Mia’s well-being...
Read More ...Fabulous, no other word. If we are receptive to Spielberg’s cinema, to 80’s cinema as we loved it as a child (E.T, L’empire du soleil, Stand By Me etc…) if we like John Ford’s cinema (huge surprise that Spielberg shares with us as with Kubrick in Ready Player one) .. if you like family drama, this film is for you. The emotional scenes are intense, the actors fabulous, the artistic direction virtuoso, and we passionately follow this family with all its dysfunctions that make them so endearing...
Read More ...The uncompromising portrait of a complex woman who was nicknamed the Voice. From her beginnings as a backing vocalist in New Jersey to her status as one of the most awarded and acclaimed artists of all time, the film traces the inspiring, poignant and deeply moving journey of Whitney Houston...
Read More ...The glorious story of Peter, a man who escapes slavery thanks to his intelligence, his unwavering faith and his love for his family...
Read More ...1920s Los Angeles. A tale of overweening ambition and the wildest excess, BABYLON traces the rise and fall of various characters during the creation of Hollywood, an era of boundless decadence and depravity. Hurwitz will necessarily be there. What about Sandgren, Cross and Zophres? Anyway, I have absolute confidence in his choices. I’m hoping for a supporting cast as crazy as First Man (which featured Stoll, Haas, Clarke, Hinds and of course supporting king Kyle Chandler)...
Read More ...Maren goes in search of her mother and meets Lee, a drifting teenager who will take her on a fiery road trip on the roads of deep America...
Read More ...Otto Anderson is a grumpy widower who is very set on his ways. When a vibrant young family moves in next door, he meets his partner in quick-witted and heavily pregnant Marisol, leading to an unlikely friendship that will turn his world upside down...
Read More ...Two best friends, Becky and Hunter, whose life is about pushing boundaries and their fears, want to take on a new challenge: to climb a disused telecommunications tower over 600 meters high...
Read More ...A commercial pilot, Brodie Torrance, pulled off the feat of landing his storm-damaged plane on dry land. He will discover that he landed on a war zone...
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